Me in "Colors United Member Spotlight"

~Each week a member will be chosen for the Member Spotlight. Other guild members will have a few days to send in their questions, which are answered in the next issue of Colors United Weekly~
This week our member spotlight is shining on
Aisyach aka Aisya.
Here are the questions sent in and her answers to them :
1) No Surprises Here, The First Question Is : What Is Your Full Name?
My full name is Aisya Chen Lee Choo. Chen is my surname, my dad named me "Lee Choo" meaning "beautiful pearl" in Mandarin. "Aisya" is my Muslim name in Arabic, meaning lively & prosperous.
2) Why This Username Aisyach?
It is a combination of my name "Aisya" & my surname "Ch (in Chen)", I am very sure it would be available in Neopia.
3) How Old Are You And What Do You Look Like?
I am 35. I am fair skinned with dark brown hair. A pair of deep brown eyes hiding behind a pale pink elongated spectacles. Rosy cheek with freckles. Visit my blog, you can see my picture there.
4) Which Country And City Do You Live In, Could You Describe Your City In A Few Phrases? Would You Like To Move Anywhere Else For Any Particular Reason?
I am living on an island country called Singapore located in South East Asia. It is a modern city that is surrounded with gardens and trees, it's a clean and safe place to stay or visit. I am comfortable here, no intention of moving anywhere.
5) Do You Have Any Children, Or Want Any?
I do not have any children, and yes, I want to have some.
*jumps around eagerly*
6) What Is Your Favorite Color And Why?
Hmm, difficult choice as I am using all range of colors for my job. I used to love black and red combination, but now I think I would prefer warm, earth tone colors & crystal white. It gives me a kind of peacefulness.
7) What Are Your Hobbies?
I have many! Photography, arts & crafts, gift wrapping, still life & abstract painting, clay sculpture, calligraphy, internet games, Neopets, reading - medical first aid/comics/sci fi (Star Wars)/astronomy/suspense/thriller/Enid Blyton series/survival tips/Macintosh software (Photoshop)/biology (plant, animal or insect anatomy)/religious/Earth formation/IQ test/wild life/travel/culture/nature/gardening/sports (jet ski, swimming, jog & walk, squash, badminton, table tennis... etc)
8) Well We Sure Know You Like To Try Out New Things All The Time, What's The Challenge Or Activity You Are Most Proud Of And What Is One That You Still Haven't Been Able To Get Your Hand On?
Haahaa! My sis and I are great partners in joining activities together, we enjoy trying something new. The activity I am most proud of is too hard to choose because there's a few : coming in 1st place in a treasure hunt with Swatch limited edition as my prize, completing overnight Round Island Cycling Bash for the millennium, my first "3-day outdoor trekking & camp to a waterfall", just to name a few.
Wishlist : Mountain climbing, snow skiing, visit an archaeological site (see how they work plus hands-on experience), scuba diving, visit NASA Observatory view thru the enormous telescope.
9) We Come To The Conclusion That You Don't Work At NASA Yet But Do You Work Anywhere? If So, What Does Your Job Consist In?
As some of you know I am a graphic design freelancer. I may work from home or in the agency. My job ranges from designing an ad/poster/brochure until the Final Artwork (FA) stage (send for publishing stage; depends on what the agency needs. I sometimes only do FAs, sometimes only the proposed visual mock up, sometimes only the story board for TV commercial.
10) What Area Is Your Most Prized Spot In Your Household And Why This Place?
I think it's the living room, my guests love it. We made it quite spacious, as a lot of Singaporean's house, their living room are packed with decorations. We have minimal furniture and I insisted to have it warm colored, so it's quite clean & cosy.
11) I'm On My Way To Visit But Before I Take The Long Plane Ride, A Few Members Had More Questions : What Is Your Favorite Thing About Neopets?
Used to be playing games, but now I can't play any as the plugin doesn't work anymore *starts to tear up* Another of course is checking out the guild and the "Color United Weekly"!
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12) How Did You Happen To Become A Collector Of The Neo-Snowglobes?
Aaaahh...You noticed my precious gallery! I did a search on Snowglobes once, I was amazed that the faerie ones are so beautiful, that's how I started. Too bad some are unbuyable, so I can't complete the gallery.
13) Do You Enjoy Your Neohome? Nana Likes The Jelly Room, Which Is Your Favorite?
Jelly Room is my favourite one too. It is an entertainment room for all my pets. I am re-furnishing some of the rooms so some of it is quite empty now.
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14) Have You Enjoyed Being A Member Of The "Charmed Mall"? Do You Talk To The Other Members Of This Mall?
It just happened that someone ask me to join a mall and I did. The owner has gone MIA for a while, I just leave the mall as it is; and no, I didn't contact others.
15) Which Fruit Do You Like To Eat The Most, Are Their Any Special Ways You Like To Use This Fruit In Meals Or Snacks?
I love a lot of fruits like the Durian, Taiwan's King mango, watermelon, guava, jackfruit, sweet kiwi, and water chestnut. You can find plenty of fruits living in Asia. I have not tried any recipe with these fruits but please send me some if you have any good one *gives a nudge to the cooks of the guild*
16) Are You Allergic To Anything? If You Are, To What And Does This Make Your Life More Difficult?
Not allergic to any food. To drugs yes but that doesn't cause any problems, I just avoid taking it.
17) When You Write For Yourself, Is It More Likely To Be A Pen Or Pencil. If A Pen, Which Color Do You Use The Most?
I'm a user of a pencil that draws in different shades, with highlights and shadows. When there's any mistakes, it can be erased and put it right again (there's allowance for change and adaptation).
18) Do You Consider Your Handwriting Neat Or Kind Of Sloppy? Is It Cursive Or Manuscript Writing?
My handwriting is fat and round. When I am rushing, it can be quite untidy. Yes, I know I said I do Calligraphy, it's a different thing than when you are rushing to copy notes from the screen. I will type out my scribbled notes to make it all neater when I have the time.
19) In Your Eyes, Which Came First : The Chicken Or The Egg?
That's the question I intend to ask our Creator when we meet. I think it's the chicken in pair then comes the egg.
20) To End This Session, Would You Tell Us What You Think Of Our Guild And How It Runs?
Our guild is fantastic. Love the bunch of members we have. New activities are introduced, they are fine. I am sorry that I have been held up a bit in real life. Since I'm here, I thought of suggesting : add a bit of fun with members sending in their photo-taking of their country/state or have guild trophy collecting (eg sending entries to the beauty contest, guild members help to vote to get a trophy or something) etc.
=**= The Whole Picture Of Ourselves And Where We Live Is An Idea We Would Love To Add But We Have To Wait Till We Have Someone Willing To Make A Website For Us And Keep Up With It All. As For Guild Trophies, We Would Be Smashed By Guilds Having 1000+ Members. They May Have The Quantity Of Members, But We Are The One With The Quality Of Friendships! Thank You For Taking Time From Your Many Activities To Answer This Questionnaire, See You All Soon In The Next Edition Of Members Spotlight! =**=
Want to get to know Serenak_05 better?
You're in luck as they are the next member to pass under
the spotlight. Send in your diverse questions to Alienman53169