We are back from the jounery.
Alhamdulillah, Rosman and I are back from Hajj safely. Thanks to all my families and dear friends for your supplications. And indeed you are in ours too.
Still coughing from the chest infection, alhamdulillah, I am recovering slowly.
We had quite an adventure during Hajj, and inshaAllah, I will put the stories up one by one.
Here are some sneak preview of our journey.

Masya Allah!! Kak Aisya, the picture is beautifully taken, and most of all, the place is beautiful.
Sis Sahidah. So sorrrrrry... I missed your comment. Thanks for the compliment. Alhamdulillah, this recent visit managed to take some nice angles. Especially Masjidil Haram, which has tight security and no camera allow in.
Too bad this blog has limitation, I can't post all pictures at one shot... still trying to figure how to add more pix. :-P
the 3rd picture...looks like from a cover sleeve of a rap album..hee hee..
Congratulation Anonymous...
You got it right... heeheehee.
My hubby was excitedly playing with his new "cap", bought in Medinah to keep his "shavened head" warm. So he come out with that idea.
Well, that's the fun part of being in the advertising line... haahaaha.
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