Friday, February 15, 2008

Omit the graceless in our society

Dated 15 Feb 2008,

Radio 938Live was having a "TalkBack" topic on Singapore:
A graceless society - is that what we've become?

I have written in as follows:

A lot listeners state YES we are un-gracious.
I believe our society can do somthing to omit it.
We need to know what is the act of grace.
A person could give up his seat to an elderly in a bus, but in the next min littering in the park.
His first act is graceful but not in the second act.

When comes to a smoker, he "loves" to flung the cigarettes in all directions at the bus stop, towards the road, over-shot the trash bin and so on. But those who sees the act didn't stop the person from doing so, so the smoker always get away from it.

I remember during younger days, there are courtesy campaign and worker bees campaign where the television and radio repeatedly show the examples of how to queue up in line, giving up seats to elderly, and nice jingles to go with it. All primary schools were encouraging the pupils to sing the jingles then. Till now, 20+ years later, my husband and I would sometimes tried to sing those jingles (with whatever we can remember).

These campaign are successful, as these pupils grew up to be the ones giving up their seats to people in need in public transports nowsaday. Compared to the time before the campaigns. Because we are still following the teaching of the campaign to smile, to be courteous. But there are also many had forgotten, after so many years passed.

The justified instincts need to be taught from young and continuosly. Not only from Parents, from Teachers, it must also be from the whole Society, and Neighbours.

Majority Singaporeans watch tv programs. The viewers can obtain the examples from the tv programs, not only campaign commercials, but also through local tv production like drama, variety shows... etc

Just an example:
In a tv drama, a child spotted a person littering. The child goes up to ask the person to pick up the litter and throw into the trash bin and pointed at the "Do Not Litter" sign nearby. The man picked the litter up and threw the litter into a trash bin. This scene being viewed by 1000 children, and if they could act it out in real life warning litter bugs, the message is spread in 15 sec.

The adults who saw these children who did it in real life should give encouragement, and eventually message of not to litter is in us.

The graciousness of people are what we expect of others to do, and ALSO from us to people and our society. There is a lack of praising when justice is done so far, people are usually afraid to speak up or stop an act. If these good behaviour can be spread through daily dramas and commercials. The message can come naturally to our daily action.

Thank you for your time.

Aisya Chen


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At 6/6/08 3:38 pm, Blogger Aisya Chen said...

Hi tv de lcd, Sorry for the very late reply... Computer down :P Thanks for your comment, you are welcome to add me to your blogroll. Been to your blog, but I don't understand the language :P Thanks again :D


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